Guidelines and Procedures for Applying for Funding for a Group Activity or Project

  • Complete an SD-2 Form, “Staff Development Group Funding Request”
  • Submit form to the Professional Development Office.
  • The Professional Development Committee meets the first and third Monday of each month. You will be notified of the committee decision within one week of the meeting at which the request is considered.

Authorized Uses: Whether a group or an individual Staff Development activity, the activity must satisfy one or more of the following authorized uses set by AB1725:

  1. Improvement of teaching.
  2. Maintenance of current academic and technical knowledge.
  3. Training for vocational education and employment preparation.
  4. Retraining to meet changing institutional needs.
  5. Development of innovations in instructional techniques and program effectiveness.
  6. Computer and technological proficiency.
  7. Training that implements affirmative action and upward mobility.

Outside Speakers/Presenters: If you are approved to have an outside speaker or workshop facilitator, you must:

  1. Inform the President’s Office of the name and cost of your speaker so that the request can be considered for Board approval meeting (be sure to allow sufficient lead time.)
  2. Complete the AC-11 (Request for Payment) form (available in the President’s Office); itemize the expenses, acquire speaker’s signature and social security number, sign once the services have been rendered, and submit the form to the Professional Development Office.
  3. Complete a Purchase Request for Payment to the speaker and submit in advance so that you can be assigned a Purchase Order number.

District Employee Speakers/Presenters: No compensation is available for employees who coordinate, present, or facilitate workshops. If the individual is a member of the faculty, he/she can receive Flex Credit.

Off-Campus Activities: If you are arranging to be off campus during a workday, have all participants complete the Travel/Conference Request & Claim Form. See email from SBCCD for Travel Guidelines..Submit the completed and signed forms to the Professional Development Office in advance of the event.

Meals: If the activity extends through a mealtime and if work continues to be one during the meal (e.g., as in the case of having a luncheon or dinner speaker) Professional Development funds may be used to pay for the meals (receipts will be required as per District policy.) Advance Board approval is needed if the cost of food is greater than $500.

Evaluation: Plan on having all participants complete a Professional Development Evaluation Form.

Updated 7/22/21.